The quest for African poverty alleviation has become a global issue and governments of rich nations have registered their commitment to the task both through the Millennium Development Goals and other international programs. While poverty is endemic in Africa, extant policies that continue to dictate proceedings in the land sectors of most African nations have been constructed in a way that concentrate benefits and wealth on a few while spreading costs and poverty on a larger segment of the African population. These policies which continue to impose greater restrictions on poverty alleviation have emanated from the peculiar political and economic history of Africa. An understanding of how these political events continue to shape the performance of land markets in these countries within the context of contemporary economic learning is thus key to understanding the policy directions required for success. This paper thus employs public policy and transaction costs insights to explicate the historical political events that have led to the promulgation of such policies together with a conceptual view of their social cost implications.
stool lands, land policies, transaction costs, political economy, sub-Saharan Africa
How to Cite
Hammond, F. N., Ghana Ministry of Lands and Forestry & University of Wolverhampton, (2006) “The Political Economy of Sub-Saharan Africa Land Policies”, American Review of Political Economy 4(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.38024/arpe.92