The paper focuses on the reform of economic institutions –those of the market mechanism and the financial system, in particular. After introducing the analysis with an historical excursus on the development of economic institutions, the intent here is to propose significant modifications of the present market and financial establishments, which despite their radical flavour, will be shown to be, in fact, no less pragmatic than indispensable to cure the economic maladies of our age. Throughout the modern times, all spokesmen of powerful institutions –e.g., churches, governments and economic elites—have always been keen to recognize in principle that these bodies are never perfect, and that societies assuredly need to take a step back, so to speak, ponder things over and eventually improve them. This is exactly what we set out to do in these pages: namely, we wish to lay the foundation for such an analysis of market developments, and thereafter suggest the remedies
Capitalist system, Dynamic competition, Income distribution, Interest rate, Financial institutions, International economic order
How to Cite
Fusari, A., (2005) “Toward a Non-capitalist Market System: Practical Suggestions for Curing the Ills of Our Economic System”, American Review of Political Economy 3(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.38024/arpe.83