Economies are complex systems. To enhance our understanding in analyses, we have to introduce simplifying assumptions to allow the construction of analytical frameworks. Under different assumptions, different analytical frameworks result. The vantage point that we choose for analyses can shape what we see, and how we see it. There is no singular nature of socio-economic reality, then. Insofar as economic analyses serve to inform policy makers, differences in analytical frameworks may be expected to lead to differences in policy frameworks developed from them. We discuss different areas in which decisions about the construction of analytical frameworks impact policy approaches. We focus in particular on conceptualizations of individual agents and their relation to and position in their social and economic environment, time, and space.
Policy-making, embedded agents, dis-embedded agents, space, time, socio-economic structure
How to Cite
Schwardt, H., (2024) “Policy Perspectives for Socially, Spatially, and Temporally Embedded and Dis-Embedded Agents”, American Review of Political Economy 18(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.38024/arpe.283