This study examines the dynamics of poverty among the Niger Delta women of Nigeria with particular reference to the Isoko’s, Ijaws, and the Itsekeri ethnic nationalities. The data for the study were obtained from field survey of 450 households from three Local Government Areas of the study. The results obtained from the study shows that there is the existence of a widespread of poverty among the women of the area even when there is obvious oil companies’ economic activities. The study also shows that despite the various government policies and programs aimed at alleviating poverty, a greater proportion of women in the area do not benefit from such programs. The paper concluded by suggesting that the government should pursue a policy aimed at targeting the women of the study area and that the establishment of empowerment programs/ skill acquisition centers for women will be of immense benefit.
Niger Delta, poverty, women
How to Cite
Snapps, O. J., (2011) “Dynamics of Poverty among Niger Delta Women”, American Review of Political Economy 9(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.38024/arpe.125